About Me

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I am a single Grandma of 5 kids and 7 grandkids. My home nest is in Queen Creek, Arizona where I have a beautiful view of the San Tan Mountains. After living my entire life in California my son gifted me with a beautiful 2 story nest almost 4 years ago. My days are spent in semi-retirement taking care of my 4 year old grandson, Caydon. My favorite times are when my entire family gets together!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Mystery of the Scent

Recently while at the mall with my girls we found ourselves in the middle of a huge mystery. Before stopping for lunch we had stopped at Bath and Body Works. Those of you that know me well know that I have to wait 20 minutes at least before a perfume scent truly shows its pleasant scent or unpleasant odor on my skin. With a ton of energy and the enthusiasm of youth, Sienna and Destiny, followed me into the store on a mission. Goal: Find Nanny a new scent. You see every time I find one at the B&B Works they discontinue my fragrance. Well we went in search of just one that would work. I left the shop with every inch of both arms sprayed with scents until none of it made sense. We went to eat lunch and let them soak in. That is where the mystery begins. During lunch I sniffed the middle of my arm. It smelled delicious. "Girls, girls smell this." After a dozen sniffs our noses were so confused we could not figure out which scent was the one that smelled so Ahhh...some!

Inspector Sienna, Anxious to solve the mysterious scent mystery.

Sniffing for the right scent.

Comparing the scent strip to the chosen scent.

Destiny clearing her nose palette with Barbecue sauce. LOL.

Could this be the one?

Nanny - testing - comparing and eventually leaving without a scent.

Mystery Solved!
One week later Nanny realized that the scent that was so delicious had been a gift from Audra and that it was sitting on her bathroom counter. Okay I did finally confess to the girls. I had never sniffed it after it had mixed with the chemistry of my skin.

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